Massachusetts General Hospital Fellowship Program in Rural Health Leadership
The Rural Health Leadership Fellowship is a full-time fellowship, embedded with the award-winning Rural Medicine Program, that offers early-career physicians clinical experiences on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Key components of the fellowship include focused clinical time in Rosebud, South Dakota at an Indian Health Service site (~12 weeks/year). Fellows serve clinically in […]
Primary Care Program in Massachusetts General Hospital’s Internal Medicine Residency Program
The Massachusetts General Hospital Primary Care Program aims to train excellent primary care doctors who will dedicate their careers to improving health equity in the Unites States through a diversity of careers such as clinicians, advocates, educators, researchers, and health systems leaders. We emphasize robust clinical training, exposure to systems innovating to improve the health […]
University of Minnesota Pediatrics Residency – Global Pediatrics Track
The Global Pediatrics Track is a combination of competency-based curriculum, evening programming, and elective experiences designed to give pediatric and medicine-pediatric residents a breadth of knowledge and skills for medical service for underserved children in or from low-resourced areas of the world. Residents have opportunities for clinical electives at international partner sites and Native American […]
University of Minnesota Global Medicine Pathway
The Global Medicine Pathway is for residents in the internal medicine, medicine-pediatrics and medicine-dermatology residency programs. Residents may complete a one-two month rotation after their intern year of residency. In Rosebud, South Dakota, residents have the opportunity to participate in direct patient care and community health services for the Sicangu Lakota Oyate (Rosebud Sioux Tribe). […]